Barratt Homes outsource their contact centre for customer enquiries to Ventrica. Barratts asked us to conduct a review of the Ventrica Sales and Social Media Operation - one outcome was to hold a workshop to ensure common understanding of objectives and purpose and a collaborative plan to deliver against.
- Due to changes in leadership for both organisations, the time was right to do a review of pain points, gaps and opportunities in delivery.
- Interactions in both the sales and service parts of the home buying journey are vital and often cross the whole organisation, therefore jointly agreed improvement plans were required to gain buy-in of all key stakeholders.
- We ran our alignment check process with Ventrica prior to the workshop, to gain their thoughts and level of understanding of the Barratt Homes proposition, processes and priorities.
- A follow up interactive workshop reviewed the opportunities, agreed the priorities and created an action plan that aligned all key stakeholders to further enhance a better customer experience.
- An agreed, prioritised action plan with clear ownership/ accountability to develop and deliver solutions together.
- Creating an aligned approach and prioritising the right things so that they can improve the experience ensuring the customer is at the heart of everything they do.
- Refresh and resetting of how the partnership can work best, for the right outcomes and relationships.
“Our alignment tool enabled a collaborative workshop. I would recommend this approach to any new partnership, or where there is a desire to drive an improved People Experience” Beverley Stag, Outcome Creation Specialist, Custerian