Hybrid Working - Thoughts Captured at a Hybrid Working Event

Hybrid Working: An honest look at the issues and opportunities based on discussions with those dealing with it day to day.

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Key takeaways:

  1. The People-Centric Shift: Hybrid working is no longer just a trend; it's a people-led initiative that's reshaping how businesses access and utilise talent.
  2. Balancing Act: Learn how to balance the needs of colleagues with organisational goals to create a win-win situation for both.
  3. Changing Talent Landscape: Discover the revolution in attracting and retaining talent, including the importance of purpose, value, and community.
  4. Cultural Transformation: Understand why behavioural changes are triggering cultural shifts in organisations, and why it's here to stay.
  5. Keys to Success: Uncover the critical success criteria, including the importance of strong leadership, a CFO-approved business case, and embracing business-as-usual.
  6. The Human Element: Learn why engaged colleagues play a pivotal role in driving transformational change ROI.
  7. Flexibility for the Future: Explore the need for flexibility in the entire colleague journey, from recruitment to onboarding, development, and retention.
  8. Embracing Change: Get insights on how to integrate hybrid working into your organisation's Target Operating Model (TOM) and the importance of clear, iterative communication.